Mobile Homeowners Insurance Homeowners Insurance For A Doublewide Mobile Home?

Homeowners Insurance for a Doublewide Mobile Home? - mobile homeowners insurance

I buy a double wide mobile home on 3.5 acres, Tallahassee, Florida, and can not find insurance that covers mobile homes. Does anyone know of? Thank you in advance.
PS I cried almost every insurance agent in the Yellow Pages.


a_j_edwa... said...

I would say it is better to talk to the person / bank creates its financing. If you are financing a motorhome before insurance mostlikely few people who work with them.

earl said...

Greentree Financial, and they also have insurance policies.

beme_inv... said...

BUTTERFL... said...

I have insurance on the house of a dual pricing for all mobile by State Farm, Texas, with very good

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