Fresh Pearls What Is A Cultered Fresh Water Pearl? How Does It Compare With Other Real Pearls?

What is a cultered fresh water pearl? How does it compare with other real pearls? - fresh pearls

I bought some jewelry with pearls, and he needed to ensure pearls that they are true or false, and the pros and cons cultered if so, how?


paintedr... said...

A cultured pearl is a pearl from a pearl farmer formed under controlled conditions.

Natural pearls are pearls that form in nature, more or less by accident. Cultured pearls, however, are those in which humans take a helping hand. In fact, by a foreign object into the tissue of an oyster or mussel, "farmers can induce" the creation of a pearl. The natural process of pearl creation itself instead.

Andrea H said...

Today, natural pearls and cultered shares, the same properties as both are grown in live oysters and are easily accessible and affordable.
The pearls are grown by live oysters far below the ocean surface.
The process begins when a foreign object like a parasite or a grain of sand, accidentally into an internal soft body oyster, which can not be deported introduced.

In an effort to make this charming, take the oyster body defenses. The oyster begins with a smooth, hard crystalline substance around the irritant secrete to protect themselves. This substance is called nacre. As long as the stimulus remains in the body, the oyster will continue to secrete nacre, in order to pin-up, layer upon layer. After a few years, the attraction will be fully covered by the silky crystalline coatings. The result is a piece of jewelry as pearl.

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