Google World Clock 11:11.. Does This Mean Anything To You?

11:11.. does this mean anything to You? - google world clock

Ok, so for about 2 months, I looked at my clock 11.11 hours, their number, so this happens almost every night last night, I saw a different look my friend said. Today I wanted to write to a noise of millions of people around the world face this thing Google has 11.11, anyone knows wat is yu


OnTheRoc... said...

Usually I'm asleep 11:11, so I have no idea what happened in this hour of the night. Maybe tonight I stay and watch?

I'm kind of agreement with people who say it is fair to see the trend.

Ethan said...

Great experience with this phenomenon. In fact, the clock was more than aware of notice, and if we do, sometimes randomly, like 6.15 or 7.52. However, if you see a mnemonic device to 12:12 or 11:11 ET, because the pattern of numbers, and thus more solid look, the moments when you click on the clock. This leads to false conclusions.

But there has also addressed the fact that more and bed to the same time every night and then do on the clock at the same time every evening.

Floid said...

This means that 49 minutes until midnight and noon.

Since a large number of people:
- Go to bed at 11.00 clock somewhere on most evenings
- Did you sleep a little more than 15 minutes to
- Watch the clock at least once before going to bed

It does not come often surprising when you see the clock shows 11:11 ET, as you remember. 11:11 ET more memorable because it is symmetrical, if at 11:17 or 11:09 and not too memorable sight

mainlee1 said...

Our body is a clock. I put my microwave for a minute, walking and going to everything, not what I leave for exactly 1 minute later, back - why? because I'm used to.

When you begin to notice something and your mind makes a connection with the TOC monitor, then, but none of their own imagination. Our body is a clock, and our imagination is powerful.

See the source below - that the person has been 222 years. Others are probably 333 or 444 - is a form of fraud and become paranoid to relax - it means nothing. Once you relax, the strange magic away.

Tomo said...

They found the hidden link by the huge space synchronization telepathic ducks are sent on the road now Quakamaz Alpha. Our colleagues here will be feathered December 21, 2012, to save herself and has with a lot of hats with aluminum foil, so you can return the brain waves Quacky.

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Who Are You said...

This problem is a very powerful. I have one. To there is a reason to make this number too and I do not think its wrong. Look at this issue again and find any other site. Find Answers. I think they are spiritually.

David said...

He has a demonic component. Satanists sometimes say: "My number is 11, so I will not be on this path.

You need Jesus, who God is.

As the demons are still men of evil, destruction and death. And only Jesus can cast out demons. We have to us in Jesus alone for salvation and call to believe in the name of Jesus and ask Jesus to help you now!

Only Jesus saves. Jesus is God and Jesus loves you! : D

The truth is that death is heaven or hell immediately, it only comes out if you are in Jesus alone for salvation, believe it or not.

Thus, in heaven and hell, not in Jesus alone to save you now believe! :)

The Hello is a free gift that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus! It is impossible to lose or "leave" hello.

The truth about Jesus is that the only way to save and be sent to heaven and to avoid eternal hell is by believing in faith alone that Jesus is God, died for our sins on the cross as full payment of all orr sin, then Jesus is risen from the dead (1 Cor 15,1-4). Believe, and you'll be in heaven, no matter what happens!

Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me my sins. I believe you died on the cross for my sins, rose again and the dead. Thank you for eternal life!" You will die in heaven with him forever, if you. :)

Amokachi said...

Day remembered 11th November ... 11/11 ...

OH YEAH! said...

confront the reality of man. It's just a fucking rehearsal time. It is a huge coincidence that bothers you. do not want, because people say it's useless. You need to do is to define a dream or a goal is realistic.

Since You Asked said...

There is a reason why we are wired to find patterns that almost half of our brain is to ignore the task of dedicated 24 / 7, or crazy and jump into the cold water, your choice really

sibylspi... said...

... and when millions of people thought it was a very good thing to see at 7:24, would probably say that it means something.

ozzy ツ said...

I've heard you make a wish when you see him.

Mr. Owl, PhD said...

In general, over time, Jon Stewart had his first commercial.
Or when I get up at the weekend ...

half-baked said...

It means only one wish for me ...

half-baked said...

It means only one wish for me ...

g'kar said...

estimates that millions of CSI New York Observer to

g'kar said...

estimates that millions of CSI New York Observer to

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