Ottawa Used Health Equipment US Military Global Warming Weather Warfare?
US military global warming weather warfare? - ottawa used health equipment
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization, said that "there are very clear statements from the U.S. Air Force, which modification technology is artificial time available, HAARP is fully operational and can War Action can be used. Obviously, the climate is not an instrument of war, the Air Force, which identified the same two scenarios of their use. "He said his interest in the topic by the fact that climate change is disturbing in many current May parts of the world, causing, in fact, destabilize the world and the setting of national economies. This can be done without knowing the enemy at all, the source said. the health and economic prosperity of entire regions could be destroyed by climatic manipulations without the use of a single company or dismissal of all types of ammunition.
wrote an article here - ...
I have this, but long enough, you click, if you are interested in the link.
I always say that the government takes a day shopping till March warm summer day, we, and a cold day in October for our winter shopping. Shopping is the economy. People think I'm crazy, but they are more than manipulating our behavior than we think.
I do not exclude and a second that can be used as a war.
Wow, that's saying a rule, the militia, the government controls the weather.
I finally know where they come from you, trout. But the continuing write scripts. Hollywood finally buy one.
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