Super Fast Rc Cars Help With Rc/Nitro Cars!?

Help with Rc/Nitro cars!? - super fast rc cars

Hello my name is Josh I need a detailed answer thank you

I am the owner of a Hpi e10 and I spent about £ 100 costs in improving purchase approximately $ 150 and $ 200, which I spent over 350 all together into an electric car, it's only about 20-30 mph

He broke not repairable the other month and to defective ESC

I thought to myself, instead of bin replacement and maintenance spending $ 100 Dollas why I'm not too basic nitro car

Ive watched road vehicles and off-road HPI

Is so low and so on

I would say that I spend about $ 250 on a Nitro RC
Ime looking for something super-quick-sets I've seen up to 60 + mph
In the past I've managed to control myself and beFour Nitro RC

I only need the lists of car models to recommend

Thank you Josh


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